Sober Truth On Preventing Underage Drinking.
The STOP Act program was created to strengthen collaboration among the federal, state, local governments, and communities to more effectively reduce alcohol use among youth, with the focus being on student athletes.
This mission includes providing timely information to communities about practices and initiatives that are proven to be effective in prevention and reduction of youth alcohol and use and accessibility. The STOP Act program enhances effective local community initiatives to reach our goal.
Reduce alcohol availability and access.
Reduce further over concentration of alcohol outlets.
Reduce normalization while highlighting associated risks.
Reduce student athlete drinking rates.
Student athletes are more prone to participate in underage drinking especially with their teams. We want student athletes to make informed decisions regarding alcohol use. As a community we can tackle this problem from all angles to ensure we reach our common goals. Partner with us and let's STOP underage drinking .
P.A.L. Self Defense & Leadership
In partnership with the Escondido Police Athletic League, Victory Outreach, and EUHSD we fulfilled the need for a boxing/self defense class for at risk teens.
Classical Academy Partnership
COMPACT has partnered with Classical Academy Athletics to provide support for all their student athletes in preventing underage substance use.
Drug free partnerships
Coming soon. STOP will be partnering with local schools and their athletic programs to reduce alcohol consumption and access.