Job Shadow Day
Every year, Escondido Education COMPACT partners with the Escondido Union High School District to provide a hands-on real world experience for our local high school students.
For one day, students have the opportunity to shadow someone working in their career field of choice.
With over 30 participating businesses annually, we secure placements in a wide variety of career fields including but not limited to: Arts, Animal Science, Automotive, Communications, Cosmetology, Culinary, Education, Engineering, Finance, Law, Marketing, Health Services, Human Services, Natural Resources, Public Safety, Transportation, and more!
For Businesses
Join us in making a difference in a youth's life! Consider hosting a student at your business place during Job shadow Day and help shape their future! At this time, we can only take requests from businesses who operate within the North San Diego County. If you would be interested in hosting students at this event, please download the employer participation form below.
Get Involved in Job Shadow Day
For Students
Attention EUHSD and Classical Academy students. Job Shadow Day is on October 24th. Visit your college and career coordinator to pick up an application.
Click the learn more button below for this year’s flyer.
Check out Our Past Job Shadow Days!
Frequently Asked Questions
How many students do I have to host at my job site?
As many as you want! As a participating employer, you tell us how many students you are able and willing to host on your site. We understand that the number of students able to shadow at any individual location depends on the job site and career being shadowed.
What type of commitment am I looking at?
Job Shadow Day is a one day event. You will only be required to host students for half a day (8 AM - 12 PM).
There are certain restrictions at my job site, can i still host students?
Certainly! Just make sure to connect with our Job Shadow Day coordinator to go over any concerns you may have. Some students are asked to sign additional waivers or complete additional requirements for specific job sites.
For more information, please contact:
Jackie Bahena, Billingual Community Engagement Specialist
jbahena@educationcompact.org (760) 839-4515