We offer evidence-based and trauma informed services geared toward the prevention and intervention of violence, substance abuse and risk taking behaviors. These services are a second opportunity for juveniles to reintegrate to school, family, community or the workforce.
For more information about the program or check on the status of your referral, please reach out to MCazarez@educationcompact.org
To complete a referral for the program please click here
To save time enrollment forms can be filled out below:

If you’ve completed the program please find the exit paerwork below:
Hear from our youths’ parents what they liked best about the program?
“Que mi hijo aprendió a tomar mejores decisiones y saber manejar momentos que pueden
marcar su vida con decisiones positivas.”
“The program was introduced at a critical time in my son’s life. We appreciate the curriculum.”
“La comunicación que tuvieron con mi hija. Y que ella se sentía a gusto con ustedes”.
“They were able to make time for [my son] during school time which is when he needs this
program the most.”
“How her case manager took time to help her complete her requirements.”
Meet our team
Mara Cazarez Program Manager
Antonio Samano CAT Case manager
Ruby Beltran CAT Case Manager
Cristian Mendoza CAT Case Manager
Colleen De Lost CAT Clinical Social Worker AMFT
Community Assesment Team (CAT)
Juvenile Diversion Team
Mary Anne Dijak Director of Prevention and Intervention Services
Carmen Herrera Diversion Case Manager
Jonathan Amador Diversion Case Manager
Edward Cervera F.I.T Case Manager
Jose Robles F.I.T Case Manager
Julio Diaz Case Manager

Funded by the County of San Diego Probation Depatment