
Our current efforts along the Escondido Creek Trail focus on reclaiming this forgotten treasure into an open, free, and accessible recreational opportunity for local residents. In order to achieve this goal, we have partnered with several community groups to maintain and revive the Escondido Creek Trail. Each community partner has committed to maintaining the creek by hosting monthly creek clean-ups. You can view scheduled clean-up events by visiting our calendar. Additionally, community partners will be responsible for hosting activities that encourages the community to use the trail. If you would like more information about adopting a section of the Escondido Creek Trail, check out the map below for an overview of available sections (colored). 

Adoption Requirements

All groups who adopt a section of the Escondido Creek Trail commit to the following:

  • Creek clean-up and landscape maintenance every 3 months. 
  • Host 2 events per year on the creek
  • Report graffiti on the creek
  • Become an active user of the creek and advocate to others about this initiative
  • For special projects such as benches and planting, groups must submit a preliminary design request to COMPACT and the City of Escondido to obtain approval (project examples: park benches, bike racks, hydration stations, physical activity stations, planting and landscaping). 

If you would like to adopt a section of the Escondido Creek Trail, please complete the form below.

For questions or more information about the program, please contact Carolina Plancarte


Phone: (760) 839-4515